Friday, February 16, 2007

Project week

rozhodl jsem se, že pro změnu napíšu příspěvek bez obrázků, abych si vás nerozmazlil. Ale nebojte, nebude to nudné.... Bude to totiž o... PROJECT WEEKu!! První trocha teorie: Project week každým rokem požádá každá UWC. Naše škola měla pár roků pauzu, protože nebyly peníze, ale loni se k této tradici vrátila a letos v ní pokračuje. Cílem každého projektu musí být práce pro společnost nebo jiný úctyhodný projekt, prostě to nemůže být dovolená. V praxi se na jeden týden zavře celá škola a studenti se rozjedou pryč. Někteří zůstavají v Duinu, někteří v Itálii, ale většina jede do zahraničí. Co já vím, tak se letos jede do Turecka, Anglie, Ruska, Rakouska, Francie, Belgie, Řecka, Maďarska a určitě ještě někam jinam... No a kam jedu já??
Do VÍDNĚ!! Naším projektem je spojit dvě velké organizace: UWC a AIESEC, která sdružuje studenty po vysoké škole a pomáhá jim hledat práci. Funguje po celém světě a ve Vídni je jedna z nejaktivnějších buněk - proto tam jedeme:) Jeden den asi půjdeme i do OSN, mají tam pro nás mít nějaký speciální program - oni totiž o UWC ví a spolupracují s námi... aspoň co já vím:D Jsem ale rád, že náš projekt na OSN nezávisí, jako třeba ten do Ženevy, což může být pěkná nuda... My budeme pracovat na těžké věci, ale zároveň budeme s mladými lidmi a budeme s nimi dokonce i bydlet, což bude sranda:) no a tady je náš program:

Both AIESEC and the UWC movement are two very well networked and powerful organizations with a common mission and similar goals. Many of our students join AIESEC at University. AIESEC is an entirely student run organization. We hope that during our project week, we get a chance to experience AIESEC in its entirety (by attending its meetings, conferences, workshops, staying with AIESEC members etc). The plan is to develop mentor-mentee relationships, we’d like to work towards joining our forces to see what can come of it.

There is a similar attempt being made at Universities by our ex-students. There are UWC ex-students at the AIESEC chapter in Vienna attending classes at the University of Vienna.

We also hope to learn more about the University of Vienna and the possibilities of our students attending universities in Europe.

With AIESEC, we will be shadowing AIESEC members and will get to learn about :

  1. Transitioning from the Academic world into the real working world.
  2. Career options for students from different countries (AIESEC organizes international internships and exchange programs).
  3. Project planning. AIESEC organizes projects for companies on large scales. Project Management is the goal of one of our sessions.
  4. We will be working with and learning more about the following teams of this AIESEC Chapter:

a. The Incoming Exchange Team : manages existing partners that take AIESEC trainees from abroad and search our global database for suitable candidates for open trainee-positions

b. RASTA : the Recruitment And Selection Team

c. Career-Days Team : Planning Career days with companies and student organizations.

d. European Integration-Team : focusing on the two new EU-members Bulgaria and Romania

e. Global Development Team : will focus on the cooperation with a Local Committee in Uganda

f. Sustainable Human Resource Management : how a good employer should treat his employees. This is applied to leaders and teams.

g. And, Cultural Sensitivity : with building up understanding between the Muslim and the Western culture

We have also contacted the Austrian National Committee, and the UN office in Vienna. We have not yet heard from them, but if we do manage to establish the ‘connection’, we hope to spend an afternoon or evening with the National Committee, and a day interviewing members of the UN. We wish to interview them to find out why and how they got into the UN, what they’re doing there, what their plans were and are. And create a contact for our school for the future.

As ballroom dancers at our school, we would like very much to attend two balls in Vienna. We have found two that are for students our age. One on the 24th of February and one on the 3rd of March. We plan on opening the ballroom dance to the community in Duino with the authorization of our headmaster, and strengthen our ties within the community in which we live. (Members of the community, residents, have demonstrated interest in our class).

For most of us, this is the first time we are visiting Vienna and we’d like to visit a few sites that Vienna is famous for (museums, the city hall, memorials, court pavilions, etc).

We also have members of choir in our group, and 3 musicians. Alvaro, Honza and Yiliu. We will be putting on a musical performance for our host student organization. This is a surprise event for them.

Programme for the week: (cost of event – excludes food for the day).




23rd Feb


Travel to Vienna

24th Feb


Arrive Vienna. Meet hosts. Ball at 20.00hrs.

25th Feb


Day on Cultural Tour of Free Attractions:

26th Feb



Museum of Chocolate. Grand tour of Schenbrunn.

27th Feb


AIESEC. Opera – standing tickets

28th Feb


AIESEC Vienna Chapter Weekly Meeting

1st Mar


AIESEC. UN Visit. Music Performance by Alvaro, Honza, Yilliu, Mike, Evita, Valentine and Slavisa.

2nd Mar


AIESEC. Austrian National Committee visit. IMAX. Spanish Riding School.

3rd Mar


Visit to the MAK. (FREE), Ball at 20.00hrs -

4th Mar


Travel to Duino

Dá se ne? A navíc tam budu se svými kámoši, což se počítá:) A škola nám platí většinu věcí, ikdyž něco si musíme platit i my... Jak jste se dočetli, vyjíždíme v pátek...


Anonymous said...

Včera jsem byl s Pájou na lyžích. A že nevíš, co jej jeho životní sen?
Navštívit karneval v Benátkách.

Jan Červenka said...

larry: nojo, to se stává:) Co na to říct:) Karneval byl super - to je výhoda toho, bydlet tak blízko Benátek... Holt... Btw, a proč si tu nezajede:)


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